



Our houses can't go to the gym to get a quick workout
Or hike
or run
and they can't trim their own shrubs
So when it comes to getting in shape
looking good
and creating a beautiful curbside look at your home
your house has to rely on you.

Create a warm welcome with plants

nothing welcomes as beautifully as flowers
even when there is no front 'yard', a garden can come in the form of flower filled pots placed on the front steps...

a front porch

or a city staircase

and if there is a front yard make sure it is well kept and tended,
 a beautiful landscape creates instant curb appeal

a front porch and a curving path beckon you to visit

there are dozens of ways to create curb appeal...
so if your home is crying for a little TLC, step back and take a look
or better yet, take a picture from the street and look at it with a critical eye
ask yourself  - if you were house shopping, would it appeal to you?

What does it need?

does the door stand out? 

or does it get lost in the rest of the house?

is there a pleasant place to relax nearby, inviting guests to sit a spell?

is there a welcoming pathway to the door?

is the landscape in good balance - not too small or minimal?
and not overgrown?

does it have charm and beauty?

at all times of the day
or night?

do you have a focal point. . ?

if you find your home lacking, take some notes and make some changes

it can be as simple as adding a few well planted pots

1 comment:

  1. So glad we've reconnected, Claudine. My projects look pretty amateur next to the rest, but they've made us happy and I can't wait to do more planting, coaxing and nurturing in our garden.


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